Saturday, May 18, 2013

May 17, 2014 | New Korea House

We were cleaning the house and I was craving something; something that I haven't had for a while and can totally fill me with quality and quantity. Of course it has to be korean BBQ. Having a extremely picky tongue makes me a harsh critic, especially at the types of food that I am familiar with. Korean food is getting prevalent everywhere. Luckily, here in San Francisco, I have plenty options to choose from and be upset at it. 

There are many motifs to judge a restaurant, food, service, space, atmosphere...etc. But the most importantly, the maintenance of all above. I can go on and on about it but here I'll spare you. Suffice to say, New Korean House has been on its game since the first time I visited, which was two years ago. Appetizers are still full on, meats are still fresh, and my cook is still skillful. :)

1620 Post Street

一間餐廳要是失去原有的水準,就不值得再拜訪,是我一慣的原則。不僅是飽足食慾,待人處事的原則更是要緊。也許用在餐廳評價上太過小題大作,但, 已經很普通的招待還能每況愈下,那我沒有必要浪費時間金錢和食慾。用餐的氛圍和服務,不應該是每間餐廳所著重的考量嗎?幸好我還有地方可以去。